Carbon Footprint

Sustainability is increasingly becoming an integral and fundamental part of many companies’ strategies.

The problem with GHG emissions in the atmosphere and climate changes represents now a topic of global interest so much so that numerous companies are reorganising and designing new cycles of production of their goods and services in order to become sustainable in the upcoming decades.

Also on this important issue, Adybo provides solutions which allow the reduction of the environmental impact all along the value chain, from the purchase of electricity from renewable sources to the selection of efficient equipment.

We are constantly on the lookout for solutions and innovations which improve the energy efficiency, while constantly monitoring greenhouse gasses emissions, which are two of the most impactful factors.

The Carbon Footprint is the optimal tool to measure and communicate the achievement of its own sustainability goals to its own stakeholders.

We provide detailed reports to our clients on their Carbon Footprint, supporting them in every necessary activities to make it as efficient as possible.

We can boast significant experience in setting methodologies and models for the calculation of the Carbon Footprint of organisations and products, both in relation to industrial activities and to the services sector activities, to later set action plans aimed at reducing them.

Corporate Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report is the tool with which companies intend to communicate their sustainability journey to their stakeholders, employees and business partners.

It is thus an internal process that, in primis, states the mission, designs organisational dynamics and communicates the corporate strategy. The process results in a greater understanding of the company’s work and in an awareness of their own identity and of the intertwined relationships.

We are firmly convinced that sustainable development goes now along with the strategies which the most advanced existing enterprises put into practice.

Our consultancy is therefore specifically designed for each individual business reality, taking into consideration the peculiarities of the company being analysed, the specificity of the aspects related to the governance and to the business model, the sector to which it belongs, the geographical area of reference, the cultural and regulatory context, the ownership and nature of the impacts, and the way in which the organisation identifies the aspects at the core of its business.

Our consultancy service allows to define the lines of the intervention, to elaborate innovative stakeholder engagement models, to help the client to identify the potential material issues through a materiality analysis; to evaluate non-financial data and information to be included; to identify the reporting tools to be used according to the GRI guidelines and other protocols as necessary, to later proceed to the data collection and preparation of the financial statements.

Our aim for every single client is to initiate and maintain an evolutionary path of non-financial reporting, guiding the client towards full adherence to the chosen standard, making it progressively autonomous in the management of the reporting tools and making the sustainability report become a real management element.

Our consultancy is not only for large companies* but also for small and medium-size companies which are not subject to the obligations of the legislative decree of December 30, 2016, n. 254.

We address all those who want to embark on a path of environmental sustainability by communicating their sustainable behaviour and creating real sustainability reports.

*N.B. Large companies are those with more than 500 employees whose consolidated financial statements meet a total of the total balance sheet assets exceeding € 20,000,000 and/or total net sales and service revenues exceeding € 40,000,000